area construtores da ciência

Science Graffiti Wall Area

The Builders of Science

Who does science? Who are the inventors? This area of ​​the ‘Science Graffiti Wall’ is a tribute that the CBPF pay to about one hundred scientists and inventors, the builders of science. They are men, women, Brazilians, foreigners, from all ages and from all areas of knowledge.

This part of the ‘Science Graffiti Wall’ is a reference to the painting Operários (1933), by the Brazilian artist Tarsila do Amaral (1886-1973). The painting represents the ethnic variety of people coming from all over Brazil to work in factories. Here are scientists and inventors who have helped to expand the knowledge and build today's society, strongly based on science and technology.

Science is also done with diversity, since, necessarily, that culture needs contrasting, even conflicting, ideas, opinions and worldviews.

In their daily lives, scientists raise hypotheses, design experiments, collect data, formulate explanations, come up with theories ... And in this process, as in many other human activities, they are wrong, they are right, they take up ideas, discard results...

The way that leads to the explanation of natural and social events, rarely happens straightforward. Generally, it is arduous, long and sinuous. It is basically, a work exploration - sometimes, by yourself; sometimes, a joint venture.

Click on the characters portrayed in this area and get to know a little about the life and work of these men and women.

At the center of this area there is an 'unknown face', dedicated to all those who, in their own way, help/have helped to progress in knowledge and change the world. That portrait is also an invitation for all those who want to keep a memory of their own, alongside great scientists and inventors.

If you accept our invitation, spread your image on our social media, so they can appear here on the ‘Science Graffiti Wall’ web page.

The CBPF edited a book with testimonials from Brazilian and foreign physicists on the reasons that led them to scientific careers. Interested? The title of the book is Algumas razões para ser um cientista, and you can download it for free here (Portuguese version only):circulo com um arquivo pdf no centro

“The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he is one who asks the right questions.”

- Claude Lévi-Strauss -

Get to know the other areas of the Graffiti Wall of Science!

Curiosity and Creativity

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Building the Knowledge

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Past, Present and Future

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From Nano to Macro Scale

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The Particle that changed Brazil

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Seeking for more...

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