What do you expect from future? What, should we, as a community, expect from tomorrow? Deciding on the time ahead requires necessarily start from the accumulated knowledge to the present. In this sense, predictions are of the most varied and, certainly, they vary according to the culture and the age of the respondents, in order to stay in only two parameters.
Some of those rules: i) always question, since no idea becomes true just because someone has created it or defends it - popularly, it is said to be the authority of the argument, not the argument of authority; ii) think for yourself, always distrusting the belief of groups; iii) question yourself, even putting your own ideas in doubt; iv) follow the evidence and remember that experimental proof is always the final word on any idea or hypothesis in the field of science; v) if there is no proof or evidence, do not make hasty judgments, because even you may be wrong.
And, to conclude, it is worth remembering the wise words of Einstein, who, certainly, oblige us to a posture of humility in relation to how much we still do not know about the vastness of nature, from micro to macro: “One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike -- and yet it is the most precious thing we have.”