Areas of Science Graffiti

desenho que representa a ciência se conectando às pessoas

CBPF created the Science-Graffiti to remind that physics is basic science and present in our everyday life. It relates to several other areas of knowledge - from mathematics, engineering, and chemistry to biology, geology, and sciences.

desenho do tronco de uma menina

The art interconnects and symbolizes various aspects of the scientific activity in different areas. It emphasizes young people because this phase of life is full of curiosity and creativity, fundamental not only for scientists but also for anyone who wants to innovate.

desenho da lua e algumas estrelas

It drawings also value our culture by representing, for example, the observation of the sky by indigenous peoples and highlighting Brazilian inventors and scientists, such as César Lattes (1924-2005), one of the CBPF´s founders.

desenho de um homem subindo degraus de uma escada

In other areas, the art emphasizes that science is inexhaustible and, therefore, there will always be 'the search for something more.' We also enter into a dialogue with the mystery of human life and the ability to deal with abstract ideas.

Now, the challenge

Can you find and solve the puzzles distributed throughout the Graphite of Science?

Get to know the other areas of the Science Graffiti Wall!

Learn more about each area of ​​the Mural-Graffiti of Science!


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Curiosity and Creativity

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Building the knowledge

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Past, Present and Future

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From Nano to Macro Scales

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The science builders

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The particle that changed Brazil

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Seeking for more...

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